Beneath the 12-Mile Reef/C+,C+


     Thin Romeo and Juliet, only this time it's sponge fisherman off the coast of Florida. The big Cinemascope production is static with wooden   acting and a spongy script. A vehicle for young Twentieth Century Fox stars Robert Wagner and Terry Moore, the two play the youngest children of families vying for the best sponge diving waters. There's a big Bernard Hermann score behind the mile action that's enjoyable, but it' dominates the action or lack of action actually.
      Recorded in early stereo, the sound leaves a lot to be desired. While the widescreen images are sharp in most scene, the color seems slightly faded and unrealistic.

beneaththe12milereef.jpg (7081 bytes)

Family pride amongst the sponges.©Lumivision

  The transfer preserves the old Cinemascope aspect ratio of 2.55:1 perfectly. Not everyone's familiar with that extra width, but that's the way it was at the beginning. The extra width exacerbates the effects of letterboxing and detail suffers consequently. So don't be surprised at some scenes that seem unfocused. There is just less detail available. Color is slightly washed out but acceptable.


The Feature Archive has articles ranging from A Western is a Western is a Western to Screen Voices, The HeistmastersAkira Kurosawa, film preservationist Robert Harris and Shawshank Redemption director Frank Darabont.

Film Preservationist Robert Harris talks to Films on Disc. Click on the image to learn more.

Check out the
Movie Poster   Archive for short bios and images of Susan Hayward, Kirk Douglas, Katharine Hepburn and many more. This month's featured star is  Clark Gable.

Imaging Science Foundation
The Imaging Science Foundation promotes proper standards in home theater viewing. ISF trained technicians offer monitor calibration services to consumers. The difference in a  properly calibrated monitor can be astounding. Click on the image to find an ISF member near you.

Fade-In Magazine
Did you like Scream, the energetic youthful take on the horror genre written by newcomer Kevin Williamson? Fade-In’s interview with the young filmmaker is currently online for your enjoyment.

Widescreen Movie Center
An excellent resource for original aspect ratios of widescreen movies. Seems to be primarily if not exclusively for anamorphic  films.

Home Theater Reference Reviewing System

When you read a DVD review it's of utmost importance to know what equipment is being used to evaluate quality. Click on the projectors to find out more.